A downloadable game

Welcome to TIDES OF THE APOCALYPSE! This game is a TTRPG, or a Table-Top Role-Playing Game, which is a game that you play with other people around a table to have fun and role-play as various created characters in a shared story in a game world. TIDES OF THE APOCALYPSE is, in short, a marine post-apocalyptic role-playing game, which mean that:

From a story perspective, this game is…

  • A game set in the post-apocalypse, and the mood, gameplay, world, and characters should reflect that.
  • A future in which marine life has taken the place of humanity as the dominant set of species and races that dominate Earth’s land, but remains and scraps of humanity’s impact on the world are still visible and tangible, with radiation, broken down cities, and documents that may never be understood.
  • A game where the players and GM can decide how human or animalistic the characters want to be, and questions of moral good and evil are called into question with catch-22’s and issues that require skills like puzzle-solving, speaking eloquently to keep a gang boss from ripping your party to shreds, or maybe you’re the one doing the shredding. 

From a mechanical perspective, this game is…

  • A game meant for about 3-5 players, excluding the Game Master, who runs and breathes life into the game world the player characters inhabit for approximately 2-4 hour sessions that can either be one session adventures (“oneshots”) or sets of adventures combined together for a coherent story (“campaigns”).
  • A d20 system, utilizing a set of polyhedral dice, denoted with a “d” and the number of sides (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, and d20) being used to determine events of gameplay.
  • Focused around building characters that are customizable in their skills and abilities through gear items that grant powers and abilities when worn or used
  • Simple to learn and play for those new to tabletop roleplaying games, but still mechanically deep enough for veteran TTRPG players.

Are you and your friends tough enough to wander the wastes? Find out in TIDES OF THE APOCALYPSE!

Change Log: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YZargoqMMi1Kdi8WrSbPUY85w9hRRFYag45fnntUc6Q/...


Player Character Sheet 873 kB
Tides_CoreRulebook_1.2.pdf 4.4 MB

Development log